My Bucket List
While I'm sure many people have bucket list of things they want do, I have a bucket list filled with travel. Travelling has always been my dream, and honestly, if I had an endless stream of money, and a job where I could just get up and leave at any given time, I would be travelling everywhere and anywhere.
I always said, my first international trip will be to Ireland. My mom's side of the family is from there, so naturally, my plan is to go there. Spend two weeks exploring castles, and little old villages to my hearts desire. My mom always told me, if my grandfather had been alive to this day, he would've taken me anywhere I wanted to go. I know for a fact when I take my Ireland trip, Grandpa will be there with me.
Apart from the family connection, and the obvious beauty of Ireland, I want to go because there are no snakes there. Biggest fear, I am absolutely petfired of of snakes. So, that is one of the biggest reasons I want to go.
My top 5 places of travel are as following:
Ireland- Obviously. I'd start off in Shannon airport and follow the road down to Adare, down to the Dingle Peninsula, and then make a big circle! The more I plan, the better idea I will have of what I want to do!
Iceland- I did a puzzle with my dad over the winter, and there was this beautiful scene, it was photograph of mountains with a small body of water Infront of the mountains, and purple flowers filling the foreground of the photograph. When I saw that I knew I had to go. It was called Vestrahorn Mountain Peak.
Austria- My original destination was to go to Germany, but after speaking to a friend I've met out in BC, she explained why Austria is seemingly better. So, that's my plan. She has a horse and the photos that she posts shows her riding next to the mountains, and I'm always in awe of those photos.
Montana- I did not chose this destination just because of Yellowstone, although meeting Luke Grimes out there would be a definite highlight. Not only is there the Glacier National Park, but so much more, like Lake McDonald, Avalanche Lake, Saint Mary Lake, Logan Pass, and so much more.
British Columbia- I realize I have already been out there, but there is something about it that is calling to me. There is a song, (I'm actually listening to it as I write), that describes my love for the mountains perfectly. The song is called Moments in the Mountains by Madison Olds. "These moments in the mountains. They will call me home"
I always thought these bucket list places would always be just that. Stuck in the bucket, only dreaming of the day I go. I truly thought I would never go on any of these trips. But after I went to BC, I knew it possible. Don't get me wrong, Ontario is beautiful, but I see it every single day. The times I get out to travel, are the times I feel so alive, as I'm sure many others feel the same way.
I often felt stuck in Ontario, I grew up with this beauty, I've grown accustom to it, and while I will always love it, there are other places that hold a special place in my heart. Places I haven't even been to.