Oh the places we could go

Choosing where to travel is hard, actually, no, it's not hard. I have plenty of places I want to travel to, it's choosing where to go first. Growing up I always planned to go to Ireland as my first international trip, and after my trip British Columbia, I knew it was possible.

Mom and I decided May of 2024 we would go. Awesome! My first international trip! I am beyond excited, but things change so quickly. After being let go at my job, and reaching out to a friend of mine, (who I met in BC), the plan for Austria came into play. Obviously, I am beyond excited to have this opportunity to go to both places, even if Ireland is my second international place.

So, how do I choose where to go?

Well, honestly it all seems to start with a photograph. Pinterest is my best friend, and I often will be scrolling through looking photography ideas, or just passing the time, there I will see some beautiful photo of the mountains or rivers, and I fall in love.

So, if the pin doesn't have the name of a place in the description, I will do a reverse image search and find my way to where the photo was taken. Pretty cool that we have all this technology at the tip of our fingers! Once I find the spot, I start seeing how much the plane tickets cost, and hotels and things to do around there. Anything that I can find.

Like I've said in my first blog, I have a long list of places I want to travel to. and perhaps being laid off, this is my opportunity to take flight and travel the world! Always have to find the silver lining in everything!