Oh To Be Planning Again

When I tell you I get so excited to plan a trip, I mean I'm literally jumping out of my skin wanting to go right away. I have recently lost my job as a reporter, due to sale of the business, and while that was truly upsetting, I realized this is my chance to travel.

Travelling has always been my forte, I've dreamed of having my passport and plane tickets always in my hands. So, when I start my planning process, I immediately look at the plane tickets. I do that so I can an idea of what to start budgeting. I actually just download this app, its called Wanderlog, this app allows me to have all my trips in one place. I can look up hotels, flights, and activities to do each of the places, I can even put an itinerary on there! Such a life saver!

After I nearly pass out from the price of the plane tickets, I decide to look at what the best time to go is. For example, I want to go to Ireland next year, May is the best time, so that's when I'm going. I don't like winter, so I never want to go to a place that is going to be cold and snowy. Yes, I know it's ironic that I live in a cold, snowy place.

After that, I start to look at points of interest, once I get 10 to 15, I can figure out how many days I need, and where I want to stay. Of course, more places of interests are always added, but that's the fun of it. If your planning a trip, I highly suggest downloading Wanderlog, because this will save me so much time, I can have everything in one place, and it just makes everything so much easier.