The Understanding Of A Passion
Everyone is passionate about something, whether its cars, going to the gym, reading or whatever floats your boat. My passion happens to be photography, when I was little girl, I would walk a quarter of a mile down to my bus, and that early in the morning the sunrises were always so pretty. I reveled in that, I soaked it up, absolutely loved it, and I would always take a "mental snapshot" (Like a photo in my mind), so that I could remember how pretty the sunset was.
As I got older, I started seeing the beauty in other things, like the mountains, or even that little sparkle in people's eyes when they are looking at their loved one, or the cheerful face of a little one. It didn't matter what it was, I loved seeing the beauty in everything. Now, as a well establish photographer, I have the chance to capture those moments. I have the chance to capture the beginning of a journey, or the advancement of one already started.
To me, photography isn't just a camera snapping photos, or adjusting settings, it's about freezing a moment in time so that you can cherish that for the rest of eternity. I always love looking through my parents old photos, ones of when they were young and in school, even in the most mundane photos I imagine what it is was like during that time.
I imagine my children in the future will be looking through photo albums and trying to imagine what it was like when that photograph was taken. What I was thinking and feeling in that single moment, and just knowing that is incredible.